High School Immersion in the USA – 1 semester or 1 academic year

This programme is open to motivated participants aged 14 to 18 who wish to spend a school year or semester in a High School and experience a real immersion in the American language and culture, sharing the daily life of a host family and attending an American secondary school.

Although similar in principle to the“Classic – 15-18 years” high school programme, this programme offers greater academic flexibility, as well as age and enrolment deadlines.

  • It is open from the age of 14 up to and including the age of 18 (you must be under 19 on the 1st day of the course)
  • Enrolment deadlines are later
  • Allows you to indicate a school preference (state or private) and a subject or activity
  • Allows students in Grade 12 to obtain a High School Diploma
  • It allows you to obtain equivalences in certain subjects depending on your study objectives
  • It allows you to do a 2nd year in a High School (public school only)
  • The minimum level of English required is lower than for the traditional programme

The United States is such a vast country that it’s hard to cover it all, even in one lifetime! Immersing yourself in American culture for a semester or a school year with our high school programme will give you an insight into different facets of this immense country: a multi-cultural society, unforgettable landscapes, but above all warm-hearted people who are always willing to share their values. By immersing yourself in a different education system, you’ll be able to discover a different form of teaching, choose subjects that you wouldn’t have the opportunity to study here and get involved in various extra-curricular activities to enrich your stay and create lasting memories.

Stays can take place anywhere in the United States. Families can be located in small communities or large cities. Either way, you’ll be totally immersed in the language and culture of the country.

The United States and Canada are vast countries with great geographical distances. The car is the main means of travel and public transport networks are generally underdeveloped, with the exception of certain large cities. European exchange students, who are used to using public transport to get around, will have to adapt to this cultural difference and learn to plan their journeys according to the transport options available.

You attend a local secondary school (High School), either public or private, depending on your choice. In the United States, we don’t work by class but by year and by level. This means that your course is individualised. The level at which you study may differ from one subject to another, depending on your level in the chosen subject and your level of English. For example, you could take maths in 11th grade and history in 10th grade.

there are 3 compulsory subjects: English, Maths and History. Some schools also require science. If you choose to take the Diplôme de fin d’études (for Grade 12 students only), you will also have to take other compulsory subjects.

In most American schools, the choice of subjects is vast and varied: Calculus, Science, Physics, Biology, Foreign Language, Psychology, Sociology, Literature, Drama, Pottery, Journalism, Speech, Media, Computing…

This is a unique opportunity to discover new fields or improve your skills in a subject you love. Some courses run for a semester, so you can change options in the middle of the year if you wish.

There is just as much choice in extra-curricular activities: Football, Baseball, Tennis, Field & Track, Basketball, Charity club, Student council, School band, Debate club, Speech club, Year book, etc.

When you register, you can indicate 1 of the following preferences:

Students of the right age and level to enter Grade 12 can obtain a High School Diploma. In this case, you must indicate this on the Student application.

Schooling in the United States lasts 12 years, as it does in Europe: High School covers the last 4 years of secondary school, from 9th grade to 12th grade. However, the school system and the way it works are very different from ours. We don’t operate by class, but by year and by level. The curriculum is therefore individualised. Students take each course at the level that corresponds to their level in that subject and their level of English.

There is no government-imposed syllabus, which is defined locally. Students take 4/5 subjects per semester. The choice of subjects is generally wide and varied: US history, English, Maths, Sciences, Debating, Speech, Pottery, Cooking, etc.

Classes start early in the morning (7.30am/8.00pm) and finish around 3pm, with the rest of the afternoon devoted to extra-curricular activities. The school year starts between early August and mid-September, depending on the school.

They are selected by the local correspondent for their genuine desire to welcome a young foreigner and share their culture with him or her through daily life. The local correspondent visits the families’ homes and ensures that they can offer the participant a balanced and warm environment.

There is no typical family profile. Each one is unique and reflects the society and way of life of the country you have chosen. Your host family may or may not have children; it may be a blended family or a single-parent family, a single person whose children no longer live at home, retired people or younger people. They may live in a large conurbation or a smaller town. It’s not the composition of the family or where they live that matters, but their willingness and motivation to share their culture with you.

Families receive a small financial allowance to cover daily expenses.

From a practical point of view, you will havea single or shared room, depending on the placement, and will be offered half board during the week and full board at weekends and during school holidays.

The local correspondent is an experienced person who knows the host families and stays in regular contact with the students and their American parents throughout the stay. He or she organises regular meetings and ensures that the stay goes well, both with the host family and at the school. As they are able to act quickly in the event of a problem, they remain your first point of contact on site.

The local correspondents work closely with our partner in the United States and have been looking after foreign students for many years, so they know how to react quickly and effectively if the need arises.

A few days after your arrival, the local coordinator will organise an orientation meeting for all the students for whom he or she is responsible.

  • Be aged between 14 and 18 (students must be under 19 on the 1st day of class)
  • Have a language background that enables them to communicate without too many difficulties (minimum 3 years of English studies, or previous language stays): ELTIS test compulsory with a minimum result of 205 for an August departure and 215 for a January departure (to be taken at our premises in Brussels or Paris)
  • Have had good results at school over the last 3 years, in English as well as in other subjects
  • Be motivated, mature and adaptable

Do you meet the conditions for participation?

  1. Fill in the pre-registration form as soon as possible.
  2. When we receive it, we’ll send you a provisional confirmation, including the total cost of the stay and a request for payment of €100 (for the language test and the motivation interview). We will also ask you to send us a copy of your school reports for the last 3 years.
  3. We will then invite you to come and take the language test and interview at our offices in Brussels or Paris. The cost of this interview is payable on receipt of the pre-confirmation and is non-refundable, but can be deducted from the balance of your stay if you are definitively enrolled and accepted on the programme.
  4. We will confirm the result no later than 8 days after our interview.
  5. If the interview is positive, we ask you to pay a deposit of 25% of the total cost of your stay (with a minimum of €1800) and to complete the online application form, which includes letters of recommendation from your teachers and other information needed for us to study your application on site.
  6. Final acceptance to the programme is granted by our partner.
  7. Once your application has been accepted, our partner begins the search for and selection of a host family and school.
  8. The process of finding and selecting a family can take a long time, so you need to be patient.


The deadline for submitting complete applications is :

  • 31 December for an August departure
  • 25 November for a January departure

An additional fee of €250 will be charged for urgent applications.

Departure is generally scheduled for August (sometimes late July or early September depending on the school and the placement date) for stays of between one semester and one academic year. A departure is also planned in January for semester-long stays. Your family or local correspondent will meet you at the airport and drive you back at the end of your stay.

Once your enrolment has been accepted and confirmed by our American partner and your visa application has been approved, we can book your travel to the United States, if you wish.

The ticket booked includes as few stopovers as possible and can be changed.

In the event of a change, the airline’s change fees will apply (these vary depending on the airline, generally around €200), as well as any difference in fare class.

If you prefer to book your trip yourself, we will provide you with all the information you need to make the booking.

A student visa (Student Visa – F1) is required to take part in this programme. It will be issued for the duration of your stay. We will provide you with all the documents you need to obtain it, and will help you with the formalities.

Medical assistance, accident, repatriation and RCI insurance are included in the programme.

Dates 2025-2026

  • Academic year: August* to June (varies by school)
  • Academic semester: August* to December or January to June (varies by school)

*The dates for the start of the school year are set by the schools and can range from the end of July to mid-September. The dates of your stay are therefore fixed once you have received your placement.

Prices 2025-2026

*Fares with flights subject to ticket prices at the time of booking.

WPCS 42.0.3
Tuition, room and board, transfers and taxes included (No flights)
Programme durationPrice
Academic Semester 16.995
Academic Year 22.295
Tuition, room and board, transfers, roundtrip flights and taxes included
Programme durationPrice
Academic Semester - Departure from Brussels or Paris 18.895
Academic Year - Departure from Brussels or Paris 24.195

Our prices include :

  • English level test and pre-application interview
  • All documents required to obtain the F1 visa
  • High school registration formalities for a semester or academic year
  • Accommodation with a host family, meals (excluding school canteen fees)
  • Assistance, support and follow-up throughout the stay
  • Medical and assistance insurance
  • Regular contact and evaluation reports
  • Official certificate of attendance with transcript of marks for courses taken, depending on destination
  • American diploma (if the student is eligible and has applied for one)
  • Return transfer from the designated airport to the host family
  • Return flight, if chosen

Not included:

  • Visa fees (approximately USD 535)
  • Lunch at the school (approximately $3-5 per day)
  • Pocket money: between $300 and $350 per month
  • School fees for the use of books, lockers, labs, etc. (depending on the school, allow up to $400)
  • Optional insurance
  • Return journey to the designated airport, depending on the option chosen

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