High School Immersion in the USA – 1 semester or 1 academic year
This programme is open to motivated participants aged 14 to 18 who wish to spend a school year or semester in a High School and experience a real immersion in the American language and culture, sharing the daily life of a host family and attending an American secondary school.
Although similar in principle to the“Classic – 15-18 years” high school programme, this programme offers greater academic flexibility, as well as age and enrolment deadlines.
- It is open from the age of 14 up to and including the age of 18 (you must be under 19 on the 1st day of the course)
- Enrolment deadlines are later
- Allows you to indicate a school preference (state or private) and a subject or activity
- Allows students in Grade 12 to obtain a High School Diploma
- It allows you to obtain equivalences in certain subjects depending on your study objectives
- It allows you to do a 2nd year in a High School (public school only)
- The minimum level of English required is lower than for the traditional programme
The United States is such a vast country that it’s hard to cover it all, even in one lifetime! Immersing yourself in American culture for a semester or a school year with our high school programme will give you an insight into different facets of this immense country: a multi-cultural society, unforgettable landscapes, but above all warm-hearted people who are always willing to share their values. By immersing yourself in a different education system, you’ll be able to discover a different form of teaching, choose subjects that you wouldn’t have the opportunity to study here and get involved in various extra-curricular activities to enrich your stay and create lasting memories.
Stays can take place anywhere in the United States. Families can be located in small communities or large cities. Either way, you’ll be totally immersed in the language and culture of the country.
The United States and Canada are vast countries with great geographical distances. The car is the main means of travel and public transport networks are generally underdeveloped, with the exception of certain large cities. European exchange students, who are used to using public transport to get around, will have to adapt to this cultural difference and learn to plan their journeys according to the transport options available.